Ways to Pay Your Telhio Loan

Use Telhio Mobile and Online Banking
Use the Telhio external transfer feature to make your loan payments. To get started, log into Online Banking and add an external account.
Set up automatic payments
Never miss a payment by setting up automatic payments from your checking account at Telhio or another financial institution. Contact us for more details. Please allow 3 days before your due date to begin automatic payments.
Visit a branch location
Cash or check payments can be made in the drive thru or night deposit of our branch locations.
Pay by phone
- Using your routing and account number
- Using your debit card. There is a $15 fee for using your debit card to make payments.
Mail your payment
Check payments can be mailed to Telhio Credit Union, PO Box 1449, Columbus, OH 43216-1449. Be sure to write your account number on the reference line or include a loan coupon from your booklet. Do not mail cash payments.
Online Payment Portal
Paying off your Telhio loan?
Contact us to get your up-to-date payoff balance.